Beverly Shores Station

South Shore Line


Beverly Shores/Pines, Indiana

Last updated: March 10,


Station Area Summary


The Beverly Shores Station is included in the Double Track project and encompasses parcels in Beverly Shores and Pines and creates a unique opportunity for collaboration to preserve the character of the natural environment within the communities while promoting economic development and expanding the resources accessible for capital improvements. Beverly Shores is bounded by natural elements such as Indiana Dunes National and State Parks and Lake Michigan.

TDD Boundary Summary

The resulting draft TDD boundary for the Beverly Shores Station focuses on three future investment strategies: Commercial Corridor, Infill Development, and Neighborhoods. Commercial development should focus on creating walkable retail centers that service residents, commuters, and tourists. Multiple opportunities for hospitality and tourism-oriented development exist associated with the Indiana Dunes State and National Parks and the Lake Michigan waterfront. Significant regional investments in infrastructure and the proximity of both parks will improve the marketability of this area. This strategy can build upon the 2023 Comprehensive Plan, which supports developing these areas for the benefit of the community in a sensitive way that preserves and enhances the parks and other environmentally sensitive areas.

Development Opportunities

The map to the left shows potential development opportunities within the TDD Boundary. The boundary has the opportunity to increase development in the commercial district along US 12 in both the Town of Beverly Shores and the Town of Pines and to promote an increase in demand for services with the adjacency to the Indiana Dunes State Park.

In-person Public Presentation

Review the full slide deck, project galley, and video recording from the In-person Public Presentation on January 8, 2025: